Sunday, June 12, 2011

History and The First Accident

Most of the people still seem to be very much unaware about the reality behind the mystery of Bermuda Triangle. They are just of the view that Bermuda Triangle is an area in Atlantic Ocean where everything just disappears because of something having to do with supernatural. According to some it most probably is an "Eintein's  Wormhole" while others think it's something supernatural and beyond the understandings of science. 

"Belief in the supernatural reflects a failure of the imagination."
                                            ~ Edward Abbey

Although there have been a number of incidents that might be considered as evidences to these claims. But a large number of people are still unaware that the reasons behind these accidents or incidents have already been found a few years back and this MYSTERY isn't a mystery anymore.

First Accident

BSAA Avro Tudor IV plane disappeared on 30 January 1948 and no traces were found. A total of 31 passengers were on board but after the accident neither any body nor any wreckage was found.
The official investigator for this disappearance called it a mystery and added that it would remain an unsolved mystery.

Facts behind the accident                                                                          

The plane encountered problems before it reached the Azores, an island in the middle of north Atlantic Ocean.
It was found out that the aircraft's heater had failed en route and one of the compasses was faulty. Hence, in order to keep the plane warmer, pilot had decided to fly very low, at 2000 feet, which caused burning of fuel at a faster rate. Moreover it was considered that the headwinds faced by the plane may have been stronger that forecast which might have caused the fuel to burn more quickly. Faulty compass made them lose their route and eventually burning their fuel and leaving no time to send an emergency signal.
Below is a video showing in detail the reasons for the above discussed accident.

There have been several other accidents at Bermuda Triangle, which are attributed to its super natural phenomena. Keep visiting my blog for the detail of other accidents and the interesting scientific reasons behind them in the upcoming posts!

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